Tips for remarkable marketing: Website load time, landing pages, and more
Our goal is to create a world full of better marketers. So each week, we focus the beginning of our team meeting on lead generation and efficiency tips. We feel that sharing our successes with one another will benefit our agency in delivering quality service to our clients. While some of the following are tried and true methods for marketing, sometimes we need a little reminder. Read on for a few tips of the trade brought to you by Reach.
Tip #1 - Looking for a quick way to increase website loading speeds? Check that all images are optimized for web. This can help to speed up your load time and can be accomplished if you have a WordPress site through the free plugin WP Smush!
Tip #2 - Analytics aren’t what you expected on your landing pages? If you are seeing a high number of views, but few (if any) submissions, make adjustments. Revamp your copy and/or images. Reassess whether your offer is valuable enough for the information you are requesting. Rinse. Repeat.Tip #3 - Need a boost in engagement? Resharing evergreen content that was popular in the past will keep you ahead of your competition. Focus on your goal and ways to repurpose and promote blogs and offers with the same amount of effort you put into their initial creation.Tip #4 - Want to stay in the lead for what’s new on the web? Visit for newly released apps, podcasts, books, and more. Share a new product you love or tip you learned from a podcast with your team to boost morale or productivity.Tip #5 - Curious how to stay human in marketing? Be reactive to current situations in the news and mindful of how your marketing efforts should evolve. Taking the time to make adjustments to your strategy to be sensitive to current situations in your area could mean the world to your buyers and make all the difference in their view of your product or service.Tip #6 - Interested in gaining new perspective for your content? Using sites like and, you can search for keywords and questions related to your client, product, and buyer to drum up new questions, keywords, and ideas to spark your creative juices.

Be on the lookout for other marketing tips from Reach HQ. Until then, I leave you with this bit of wisdom from someone much wiser than I...“We need to stop interrupting what people are interested in and be what people are interested in.” - Craig Davis, former Chief Creative Officer at J. Walter Thompson